lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


esn this space is to give a small contribution so that the university is the Maximum and the Best one around their space

your better election for your future

That him exchange the University Dr.: Fluffy Rafael Chacin (URBE)

Exchange the stairs
1. _ tires much to raise until several steps and but if this worried. 2. _ the pregnant students run risks 3. _ disficulta to the pupils or professors with some type of incapacity

That recomendaria

1._ electrical stairs so that he is but easy the ascent to the blocks as much for the professors as for the pupils

2._ thus suspenciones for the professors are evitarian and who pregnant students congeal and they do not finish the semester

3._and but important the elevators for alumnls that suffers of incapacity like are it only and exclusively those that use chair wheel

serious criterion of great importance of placing these services to the university… of such serious form the perfect university.! your commentary counts

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

My Memory

present the photos are which other memories that I have from my childhood

Memories of my childhood of the three (3) years of age

Christmas in kinder the hope with my teacher Nancy

graduation of kinder

dance of dance to the 6 years of age

my celebration of 7 years, decorated of beautiful and the beast

I liked to practice karate

celebration of disguise in the School Juana de Avila, attended second degree

it participates in the reign that every year is made in my community when tapeworm 8 years of age

my communion

my better moments… from my adolescence.!!!


of my

fifteen (15) years

celebrating with my friendly of 5to year of baccalaureate I complete day of classes in my house

my graduation of 5to year

familiar photo in my act of 5to year

with my friendly of the university in semestral 1er

although the presented/displayed photos are few, definitively they bring very pleasing memories to me… your commentary counts.!

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

amiga no te mueras

"Pablo Neruda"

AMIGA, no te mueras.
Óyeme estas palabras que me salen ardiendo,
y que nadie diría si yo no las dijera.

Amiga, no te mueras.

Yo soy el que te espera en la estrellada noche.
El que bajo el sangriento sol poniente te espera.

Miro caer los frutos en la tierra sombría.
Miro bailar las gotas del rocío en las hierbas.

En la noche al espeso perfume de las rosas,
cuando danza la ronda de las sombras inmensas.

Bajo el cielo del Sur, el que te espera cuando
el aire de la tarde como una boca besa.

Amiga, no te mueras.

Yo soy el que cortó las guirnaldas rebeldes
para el lecho selvático fragante a sol y a selva.
El que trajo en los brazos jacintos amarillos.
Y rosas desgarradas. Y amapolas sangrientas.

El que cruzó los brazos por esperarte, ahora.
El que quebró sus arcos. El que dobló sus flechas.

Yo soy el que en los labios guarda sabor de uvas.
Racimos refregados. Mordeduras bermejas.

El que te llama desde las llanuras brotadas.
Yo soy el que en la hora del amor te desea.

El aire de la tarde cimbra las ramas altas.
Ebrio, mi corazón. bajo Dios, tambalea.

El río desatado rompe a llorar y a veces
se adelgaza su voz y se hace pura y trémula.

Retumba, atardecida, la queja azul del agua.
Amiga, no te mueras!

Yo soy el que te espera en la estrellada noche,
sobre las playas áureas, sobre las rubias eras.

El que cortó jacintos para tu lecho, y rosas.
Tendido entre las hierbas yo soy el que te espera!

Poema de Pablo Neruda... Poema del alma...!!! your commentary counts

my hobbies

my hobbies are many .......

It enchants to me to travel I like much to music of all type to dance, the celebrations, to see televison, and but important and greater me hobbies, to be with my friendly

personal poem

This poem treats and speaks on the lack of affection by the many people some vuz to happened and what it costs to him to express what they feel…

The Lack of affection

It would want decirte many things, but I need and I exceed words to me, needs your smile every morning, your glance when beginning of the day, your lips when words whispered to me, your gestures that caused that it adored to you.

your defects and odd habits that enchanted to me, your dreams by which you fought, your errors and failures of which you rose, your tears that caused that you were buried in your memories, and of this and but you were in charge.

But the reality is that exceeds love to me for darte, for besarte, acariciarte, tocarte and amarte, but today I awoke with a single and true reality, today your not these with me, then the kilometers also separate and the words to us.

I hope that you there liked and identify to you if you wish to comment… your opinion counts

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010


I should lose weight

you should get a haircut

you should change to the color of the hair and the hairdo

you should to learn to dance

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

The life

La Vida

La vida es oportunidad. Aprovechala
La vida es bella. Admirala
La vida es beatitud. saboreala
La vida es un sueño. hazlo realidad...

La vida es un reto. afrontalo
La vida es un juego. Juegalo
La vida es preciosa. Cuidala
La vida es riqueza. Conservala
La vida es un misterio. Descubrelo

La vida es promesa. Cumplela
La vida es amor. Gozala
La vida es tristeza. superala
La vida es un himno. Cantalo
la vida es una tragedia. Dominala

La vida es aventura. vivela
La vida es facilidad. Merecela
La VIDA es Vida... Defiendela